Social Stories and Visuals
A presentation on Creating Social Stories
Visual Supports by Kansas ASDFree classroom support materials.
Social stories available, too! One Place For Special NeedsSocial stories for free and links to more.
Extra Special FriendsThere are simple social story ideas or books for purchase.
Little Tor Elementary SchoolStories made by their staff and available for free.
Boardmaker ShareA great sharing website with various Boardmaker items.
K.I.D.S. Therapy AssociationSocial story of the month available for free.
PictureSETThis website has prepared visuals and social stories.
Online TimerA must use for kids so that they can 'see' the time.
Carol Gray at The Gray CenterCarol Gray is the leader in Social Stories. Her website contains information and resources regarding Social Stories.
Personal Space Social StorySocial story video on personal space.
Kids Can Dream - Social Stories websiteWebsite containing many different social story links.
Sample Social Stories and Visuals created:
(Boardmaker was used for creation.)
Please contact me if there are any issues with links! Thanks!